→Unsere aktuellen Themen:
Index of themes
Clansmen, der Verein →
...Membership →
...Topics →
......Older News →
...The Clansmen of Lochaber →
......Grundsteinlegung →
......Tartan →
......Fitting the kilts →
...Fleein' Tam, Burns Memorial Statue →
......Tam 's on the run (Ankündigung) →
......Einweihungszeremonie und Ceilidh →
......Many bottles and many friends →
......St. Andrews 2023 →
......More than only a glimpse (2023) →
......St. Andrews 2022 →
......End of Summer Gathering 2021 →
......Ceilidh "10 Years of The Clansmen" →
......St. Andrews 2018 →
......St. Andrews 2017 →
......Scottish folk mit Beth and Jim →
......Harz and Halloween →
......Knox und schottische Weihnachten →
......More than that ... →
......Just another Christmas song →
......Jubiläum eines - unseres Chieftains →
......Supper for One →
......News from the RBWF 11/2020 →
......A running stream they dare na cross 10/2020 →
......Der Herbst hat auch etwas ... →
......Close the ranks! →
...The Clansmen store →
...The Clansmen cinema →
Robert Burns →
...Poetry, Übersetzungen ins Deutsche
......A Bottle and A Friend →
......A red, red Rose →
......Address To A Toothake →
......Address To The Deil →
......Death and Doctor Hornbook →
......Green Grow The Rashes →
......Husband Ceise Your Strife →
......John Barleycorn →
......On Wedding Rings →
......Tam O'Shanter →
......The Battle of Sherra Muir →
......The Five Carlins →
......The Hue And Cry Of John Lewars →
......The Rights of Woman →
......The Selkirk Grace →
......The Twa Dogs →
......The Weary pund →
......To A Louse →
......To A Mouse →
......Up In The Morning Early →
......Verses Written With A Pencil →
...Suppers at The Clansmen →
......The procedure _________________________ →
......Overview: Toasts and lost manuscripts →
......2009: The 1st Supper →
......2010: The 2nd Supper at The Clansmen →
......2011: The 3rd Supper at The Clansmen →
......2012: The 4th Supper at The Clansmen →
......2013: Cutty Sark →
......2014: The Twa Dogs →
......2015: The Mouse →
......2016: Grey Mare Meg →
......2017: Auld Nick →
......2018: Brig O'Doon →
......2019: Kirkton Jean →
......2020: The souter Johnny →
......2021: The Jolly Beggars →
......2022: Kate →
......2023: Doctor Hornbook →
......2024: The Five Carlins →
...Lost manuscripts
......Die Keltin →
......Polizeibericht Sache "Tam O'Shanter" →
......Souter Johnny →
......Kate O'Shanter →
Scotland today →
...Was Schottland bewegt ____________________________________→
Tours overview of TheClansmen →
...2010 Scotland Experience
......Reisebericht →
...2012 Dal Riata Scots Tour →
......Reisebericht →
...2015 Burns Experience Tour →
......Reisebericht →
...2017 Islands and Highlands →
......Reisebericht →
...2019 Mór and the Isles →
...2023 Archaic Albion →
...2025 The cradle of Alba →
Whisky →
...Basics →
......Herstellung des Destillats →
......Die Reifung des Whisky's →
...Tagebuch-Geschichten →
......Meine erste Bekanntschaft →
......AnCnoc, Die Distillerie am Hügel →
......The taste of previous days →
......Wie man einen Verein gründet →
...Clansmen Whisky-Events →
......Was nun? Van Loon →
......Alte Distillerien - neue Whisky's →
......The Routes of the Ancients →
......Whisky Brevier - eine Adaption →
......The Clansmen anniversary tasting →
......Rob Roy, the trossachs and some wee dram →
......Small but nice →
......Visiting Number 9 →
......The Scottish Classics at Ben Road →
......The Jacobites by Name →
......Autumn Tour "Zigarren und Whisky" →
......Vanished in the haze →
......Heroes of noble enterprise →
......The Independents →
......The Speyside Tasting →
......Special Whisky Characters →
...Vorwort →
...St. Andrews (Nationalfeiertag) →
...Zeittafel Schottland (bis 14. Jhrh.) →
......Skara Brae (3000-2500 v.Chr.) →
......The Dark Age (bis 8. Jhrh.) →
......Senchus fer nAlban →
......The Three Collas (4. Jhrh.) →
......Dal Riata, das Königreich (6.-9.Jhrh.) →
......The Aethelfrithings of Northumbria (596-685) →
......Die Alpin-Dynastie (843-1286) →
......Die normannische Eroberung (1066) →
......Vorfeld der dynastischen Krise (13. Jhrh.) →
...Ab 14.Jhrh.
......The Stuarts (1328-1688) →
......The Rough Wooing (1543-1551) →
......Rob Roy und die MacGregors (1671-1734) →
......The Battle of Sherra Muir 1715 →
......Kirkton Jean (*1738) →
......The Cutty Sark (1870) →